Ruth Weimer Mount

Inducted: 1999

Daughter of Pekin, Illinois; graduate of University of Illinois where she began her distinguished student personnel career, served the Ohio State University, 1952-1970, becoming the first dean of students and receiving the university distinguished service award.

Honored with national, university and community recognitions for exemplary service and leadership.

The Ruth Weimer Mount Scholarship Initiatives Endowment celebrates the life of Ruth and her influence throughout the university and community, and it perpetuates the spirit and direction she brought to the lives of others.

As the consummate volunteer and friend whose love benefitted her church and universities, Mortar Board, the arts and libraries, Ruth leaves a legacy of improving the quality of life in our society, especially for young people.

Married 28 years to John T. Mount, with whom Ruth shared a loving partnership to "carry the torch" of service and leadership, treasured mother of four and loved grandmother of eight.